South Leicestershire & Hinckley and Bosworth PE Conference 2016

South Leicestershire & Hinckley and Bosworth PE Conference 2016 8th June 2016 at Beaumanor Hall, Woodhouse, Leics THE Annual event for PE Subject Leaders. Making a difference through PE & School Sport! To include: The National direction for PE & School sport Making an impact on all young people Practical support Networking, planning and information … Continued

School Games Mark 2015-16 criteria out now!

Ensure your school achieves the School Games Mark 2015-16! The School Games Mark is now in its 5th year and continues to reward schools for their commitment to and development of competition, school sport and physical education. Schools are able to assess themselves across BRONG, SILVER and GOLD levels of the award. The criteria contains … Continued

Latest Guidance on the PE & Sport Premium announced

Evidencing the Impact of the Primary PE & Sport Premium – Guidance & Template Primary PE & Sport Premium – Conditions of Grant for the Academic Year 2015 to 2016 Maintained schools, including those that convert to academies,must publish, on their website, information about their use of the Primary PE & Sport Premium by4th April … Continued

Promoting physical activity in schools – New Public Health England briefing

Promoting physical activity in schools – New Public Health England briefing What works in schools and colleges to increase physical activity?is a briefing released by Public Health England summarising the evidence from academic literature, practitioner workshops and young people’s feedback. Emerging evidence suggests an association between being physically active, academic attainment and attention as well … Continued

PE and school sport for health – afPE summary

PE and school sport for health – afPE summary The Association for Physical Education (afPE) has updated their Health Position Paper which outlines the crucial role of physical education (PE) in public health and the promotion of physical activity. This paper introduces physical activity for health guidelines and draws on BHFNC’s resourceInterpreting the physical activity … Continued

This Girl Can – Resources & Professional Learning for Secondary Schools

This Girl Can is an innovative national campaign developed by Sport England to encourage women and girls to become more physically active, regardless of shape, size or ability. Schools clearly have a unique and powerful part to play in helping girls to understand and learn how to overcome barriers to participation in physical activity. For … Continued

Sport England Guide to getting women & girls active

Sport England has launched an interactive guide providing advice on how to help women and girls get active. It contains tips and advice on how you might work with other organisations both inside and outside of the sport sector. The pack has been designed to target women and girls because gender has a big influence … Continued