Primary PE and Sport Premium

The School Sport and Activity Action Plan set out government’s commitment to ensuring that children and young people have access to at least 60 minutes of sport and physical activity per day, with a recommendation of 30 minutes of this delivered during the school day (in line with the Chief Medical Officers guidelines which recommend an average of at least 60 minutes per day across the week).
The PE and sport premium can help primary schools to achieve this aim, providing primary schools with £320m of government funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of the PE, physical activity and sport offered through their core budgets. It is allocated directly to schools so they have the flexibility to use it in the way that works best for their pupils.

Funding for 2020 to 2021
Schools with 16 or fewer eligible pupils receive £1,000 per pupil.
Schools with 17 or more eligible pupils receive £16,000 and an additional payment of £10 per pupil

How to use the PE and Sport Premium
Schools must use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of the physical education (PE), physical activity and sport they provide. This includes any carried forward funding from the 2019 to 2020 academic year, which must be spent by 31 March 2021.

This means that you should use the PE and sport premium to:
• develop or add to the PE, physical activity and sport that your school provides
• build capacity and capability within the school to ensure that improvements made now will benefit pupils joining the school in future years

You should use the PE and sport premium to secure improvements in the following 5 key indicators.
1. Engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity
2. Profile of PE and sport is raised across the school as a tool for whole-school
3. Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport
4. Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils
5. Increased participation in competitive sport

These good practice examples produced by Active Derbyshire and Active Notts and the 7 top tips for spending the Primary PE and sport premium, found on the Association for PE and Youth Sport Trust websites, give further suggestions for how your PE and sport premium might be used to deliver on the 5 key indicators.

The Association for PE has produced a PE and sport premium FAQ which may also be helpful in deciding how you wish to use your funding.

Use of the PE and sport premium to support online delivery and other uses
The existing guidelines regarding the use of the PE and sport premium continue to apply. These guidelines already permit a significant amount of flexibility in how the PE and sport premium can be used. The restrictions on using the PE and sport premium remain current.

Raising attainment in primary school swimming
Swimming is a national curriculum requirement. The 3 requirements for swimming and water safety are that by the end of key stage 2 pupils should be taught to:
• swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
• use a range of strokes effectively, for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke
• perform a safe self-rescue in different water-based situations
You can use the PE and sport premium to fund the professional development and training that is available to schools to train staff to support high quality swimming and water safety lessons for their pupils.
You can also use the PE and sport premium to provide additional top-up swimming lessons to pupils who have not been able to meet the 3 national curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety – after the delivery of core swimming and water safety lessons.

Online reporting
You must publish details of how you spend your PE and sport premium funding by the end of the summer term or by 31 July 2021 at the latest. If you have any carried forward funding from academic year 2019 to 2020 you should show separately how this funding has been spent and confirm that it has been spent before 31 March 2021.

Online reporting must include:
• the amount of PE and sport premium received
• a full breakdown of how it has been spent
• the impact the school has seen on pupils’ PE, physical activity, and sport participation and attainment
• how the improvements will be sustainable in the future
You are also required to publish the percentage of pupils within your year 6 cohort in the 2020 to 2021 academic year who met the national curriculum requirement to:
• swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
• use a range of strokes effectively, for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke
• perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations
Attainment data for year 6 pupils should be provided from their most recent swimming lessons. This may be data from years 3, 4, 5 or 6, depending on the swimming programme at your school. It is essential to retain attainment data from swimming lessons in years 3 to 5 to be able to report this accurately in year 6.

To help you plan, monitor and report on the impact of your spending, partners in the physical education and school sport sector have developed a template. The template can be accessed through the Association for PE and Youth Sport Trust websites. It is recommended that the template is used to record your activity throughout the year, as well as for publication at the end of the school year.

Please follow the link below for more details:

The information above is taken from the website.

Please contact Hussein Khan if you have any questions