Girls Active Lifestyles
The Girls Active Lifestyles project targets teenage girls and aims to improve confidence, self esteem and levels of participation in physical activity. Each secondary school delivers 12 weeks of fitness activities with targeted girls like Zumba, yoga and cheerleading. All schools come together in June at Enderby Leisure Centre for a day of fitness activities. Girls complete a Diary of Experiences logging their attitudes and participation in physical activity.
Girls are given vouchers for free exercise sessions, encouraging them to take part in regular physical activity outside of school. School staff have monitored the targeted girls taking part in the project and encouraged them to take part in lunchtime and after school clubs at school.
Primary schools are invited to take part in a GALs Mini Project, offering 6 weeks of fitness based activities to Key Stage 2 girls at their schools, and a free morning of fitness based activities at Harborough Leisure Centre/Parklands Leisure Centre.
“The GALs project has enabled girls who wouldn’t normally get involved in physical activity to feel a bit special, and to gain confidence in their own space and time, doing activities they have chosen. We have seen a promising improvement in their attitudes and levels of participation since taking part in the project” PE Teacher Wigston Academy
Comments from girls included:
“I enjoy doing exercise more now”
“It made me realise sports can be fun”
Results from the project evaluation showed the impact as follows:
Attitude statement | % replying Yes | Attitude statement | % replying Yes |
I believe in myself more | 98% | I’ve learned new skills | 100% |
I work better with others | 98% | I do more physical activity each week | 98% |
I feel happier | 100% | I do more physical activity at school | 98% |
I enjoy physical activity more | 100% | I do more physical activity outside school | 97% |
I enjoy trying new things more | 100% | I will do more physical activity in the future | 100% |