
The principle of a round robin format, or appropriately sized pools leading to a knockout in the later stages will be followed, depending on the number of teams entered.

It is recommended that all matches shall be of 8 minutes each way in duration. The maximum duration (depending on the time available) of a match will be 12 minutes each way.



  • Girls


The team on the day of the competition shall consist of up to 10 players (These players can be from year 5, year 6 or a mixture of players from both years.) With 7 playing at any one time, 1 of whom shall be the goalkeeper.

The competition shall be governed in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the Football Association. Matches will be played in general conformity with the Laws of Small Sided Football as issued by the Football Association.

The competition shall be sanctioned by the Football Association.  The competition, all teams and players and other persons shall be subject to the

Rules and Regulations of that Association.

Points will be awarded in the round robin or pool stage as follows:

– 4 points for a win, 2 points for a draw and 1 point for a loss.

In the event of two or more teams being equal on points the team with the best goal difference shall take precedence. If goal difference is equal the team scoring the most goals shall take precedence. If the teams are still tied, kicks from the penalty mark will take place in accordance with the International Board of Decision contained in the Laws of the Game.

In the event of a draw in the knockout stage the match will be decided by kicks from the penalty mark in accordance with the International Board of Decision

contained in the Laws of the Game.

Substitutes shall be permitted at any time during the game, with the referee’s permission.  Players may re-enter the game and all substitutes must have a period of play.

Click below to download the Risk Assessment

Risk assessment for LFA 2017 18

Competition Dates