
We would like to invite you to select 10 students and 1 member of staff to become Well-being Ambassadors from your school, the students can be selected from any year group or can be a mixed of ages. Well-being Ambassadors is an initiative open to every secondary school in the Learning South Leicestershire area, led by the South Leicestershire School Sports Partnership. Pupils will be trained in their role as a Well-Being Ambassador – to help promote health in schools and inspire pupils to think about their well-being. During the conference the attendees will take part in mental health and internet safety training.

The Ambassadors from the school will form a health and well-being committee which will be supported by a member of staff.

By the end of the training each committee will have developed an action plan to deliver in the school, i.e. putting on assemblies, running activities with their peers or setting up notice boards to promote student well-being. All pupils will receive a T-shirt to wear when they are performing their duties on the schools behalf.


  • Mixed



Competition Dates

Level 2B

Year Group KS3, KS4
Venue South Wigston High School, LE18 4TA
Date 25th November 2024
Time 9:15 - 12:05pm

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