
This CPD takes you through what curriculum dance looks like and what should be included. Delegates will take part in practical sessions which will include how to engage the most reluctant learners. Delegates will look at how to plan progressive schemes of work and work in groups to create a 6 week SOW/unit. Delegates will be taken through how to teach a set sequence or introduce choreography and look at the importance of both. This will be followed by looking at the effective use of resources to support children in lessons for example; stimuli, music and ICT. Delegates will look at assessment in dance, alongside teaching children how to self and peer assess through discussion and understanding next steps.

Delegates will receive example years 2,4 & 6 schemes of work and lesson resources, alongside dance progression and curriculum maps. There will also be access to step by step videos which break down dance sequences to support teachers when teaching dance.

Cost is £75 plus VAT per delegate




Competition Dates